We collaborate with the University because we believe we have the responsibility to build bridges between the school and the business reality and that is so important to dedicate time and resources. That is why we were pleased to participate in the III Hackathon idea T organized by the faculty of CCEE of the University of León and the Fgulem. We presented UrbanBiker, along with other companies from León, to a good number of first year students (just over a hundred young students) who were waiting expectantly for the development of a Saturday quite different from usual. Gathered then in smaller groups we launched a challenge to which they faced with enthusiasm: “Effective communication and experience for public +60”.
We are what we give. UrbanBiker Culture.
Throughout the morning they racked their brains to launch a communication strategy to a target very far from their world, with a product unknown to most of them and with the clock ticking. All this in the beautiful hall of the faculty, enlivened with music and a great catering. We are sure that these actions contribute to empower students and give back to the educational system part of what it gave us in its day, making us participate in the evolution of society. Professionals & Close. Sharing knowledge is to grow, to boost and improve. And to learn. Because we can learn a lot from students. And that will come back to us and to the rest of society in a fantastic boomerang effect.